martes, 11 de septiembre de 2007

Mensaje de Dolores desde Canada!

Hello! It's me again! Back home in Canada after 3 weeks in South America and the Caribbean and wanted to say a few words..

Trinidad, mon! It was a phenomenal experience! Argentina absolutely blew my mind!! Santiago too was amazing! It was so different from what I may have perceived, and I encountered some of the most big hearted loving people, I'm very honoured that you guys are touched by my music!!It's all about the journey, the ups and the downs and always staying positive and courageous!
Always believe in yourself!! I'm really happy you guys are listening because I am listening to you! Mexico City was excellent as usual, had many too many margaritas the night before the gig and was dying on stage. Glad you couldn't notice! Finished off in Trinidad, and that was de icing on de cake mon!! Good vibrations mon!Spread de love aroun'!!!!

Love-Dolores xx

1 comentario:

Hernan dijo...

Me encantó saber que Dolores recuerda a Argentina con tanto amor, como nosotros la recordamos... a ver cuando se viene el SITE!!!!!!!!! Quiero toda la info!!!!!!!!!!

Suerte AlejO!!!!!!!!!!!!